reading list – volume: 5

It has been a while, hasn’t it? Life has been crazy between multiple classes, the Sixers season, work, and dog-momming. I wanted to share what books I’ve been reading when I can find the time! (Shout out to Hannah – I know you’ve been waiting for some book reviews)


Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor & Park

Guys, if you need a good cry, this is the book to do it. It tells the story of Eleanor, the new girl from a broken family, and her slowly developing romance with Park, the kid who has been there all his life but hasn’t really found his person or his place. Through sharing a seat on the bus, Eleanor and Park develop the kind of romance that you only have the first time you fall in love – when you don’t yet know what it is like to have your heart broken. The two of them bond over their love of music and comic books, and through the two of them, you can re-experience all of the awkward firsts that come along with your first relationship. I didn’t want this book to end, and when it does it delivers on the suspected gut punch that you are expecting throughout. Cue the waterworks.

Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler


I wanted to love this book, having always been fascinated by the Roaring 20’s and the Jazz Age but, I didn’t. I think I found Zelda to be unlikable, or unrelatable which prevented me from really committing to the story. I did feel for her as the story described her battles with mental illness and an alcoholic husband, all while having to quell her ambitions as a woman in an age where the man should be the breadwinner. I found myself wanting Zelda to just leave her marriage, and take their baby home to Alabama, where she could live a comfortable if less exciting life.

There is an Amazon show based on the book and starring Christina Ricci that I still may check out (when I finally finish Stranger Things 2). The book may not have gotten me, but I don’t know that I can turn down a period TV show!

Fitness Junkie: A Novel by Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza

Fitness Junkie

I wanted a quick, fun book and Fitness Junkie fit the bill. It tells the story of Janey, a 40-something recent divorcee, and bad-ass girlboss. She runs a wedding dress line with the dresses being designed by her best friend Beau. When Beau gets a little too big for his britches and tells Janey that she has gained weight and can’t be the face of the company anymore, Janey decides to go on a fitness journey. I love that you can draw parallels between actual fitness crazes and their fictional counterparts in the book. There is definitely some commentary on Goop, SoulCycle, Fitbits and Tracy Anderson not so subtly sprinkled throughout the book. If you’re looking for a fun, light read – I’d recommend Fitness Junkie.

I’d love to hear any recommendations that you guys have! You can always find me in the comments or @third_and_girl on Twitter!

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